
Golden Grahams Bars

(*as you can see they get eaten faster than I can photograph them*)

Golden Graham Squares

2 Tbsp Butter or Margarine
2/3 c. of Karo Syrup
3 c. of Miniature Marshmallows (have a little extra if you desire)
3 c. Golden Grahams Cereal
1 1/2 c. (plus a little extra) of semi-sweet chocolate chips (either regular or mini, I prefer mini)
In a large sauce pan melt butter, and Karo syrup under medium heat. Add about 1.5 cups of chocolate chips to pot, and melt. Fold in marshmallows until melted to a creamy consistency.
Pour over Golden Grahams in a large bowl and mix well. Once everything is sufficiently covered and mixed, add some extra marshmallows, (to personal taste preferences, I usually add another 3/4 c.) I may then decide to add in some of the extra mini chocolate chips, because I enjoy getting them as treats within the yummy bar. Then pour into a greased rectangular cake pan.
Let cool for about 10 to 15 minutes. Take a piece of saran wrap with a very light amount of butter (or Pam Spray) on it and use it to push the cereal bar mix into the dish so that it is flat and compact.

Photographs are © Copyright to me (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on blogs, websites, or in other media without advance written permission from me.

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